SAVE THE DATE : Découvrez les dates de la saison thermale 2025 à Avène : du lundi 31 mars au samedi 8 novembre 2025. Ouverture des réservations le 20 janvier.

Une personne recevant des soins

Hydrotherapy for Eczema

Atopic eczema (or atopic dermatitis) is defined as recurring inflammatory skin symptoms associated with atopy. It is a chronic pruritic and inflammatory dermatosis which progresses in flare-ups.

Expected benefits

Un enfant dans un bain

At the end of a hydrotherapy treatment for eczema

  • Disappearance of serosa, scabs and germs on the skin's surface thanks to the effect of thermal
  • Reduced inflammation and itching linked to the specific properties of the water (termination of ongoing treatments).

Subsequently (in the following months)

  • Disappearance of serosa, scabs and germs on the skin's surface thanks to the effect of thermal.
  • Reduced inflammation and itching linked to the specific properties of the water (termination of ongoing treatments).

Treatment results
Before / After


Book a treatment specifically for atopic eczema

Select one of the treatments below; your choice will be tailored to relieve your eczema.


Conventional cure

Dermatological treatment

A treatment adapted to your condition. Our hydrotherapy doctors evaluate and choose the care that is best for you.

Health insurance coverage

Duration :18 days

Advance payment : €85

Second orientation : yes


Unlimited treatment access

Upon arrival, to make your days run smoothly, we offer you a personalised care programme designed by a hydrotherapy doctor.

Duration : 6, 12 or 18 days

Advance payment : €120


Specific moisturising care

Our specific treatment packages complement the traditional hydrotherapy programme. When prescribed by a doctor, this emollient-based treatment provides comfort and hydration.

Moisturising dermatological care

Face care with emollient cream



Image d'un medecin qui rigole avec un enfant

The treatment is indicated for

  • Atopic dermatitis in children (from the first months of life)
  • Persistent adolescent and adult atopic dermatitis
  • Infectious dermatitis
  • Contact dermatitis, especially when of occupational origin and becoming chronic
  • Eczema related to venous circulatory disorders of the lower limbs (varicose eczema)

Atopic eczema
or atopic dermatitis

It is a complex multifactorial disease that combines two types of abnormalities : An alteration of the epidermal barrier (filaggrin deficiency), which makes the skin dry and abnormally sensitive to all attacks, a tendency to sensitisation to IgE allergens.

It is the most common dermatosis in children: affecting around 12% to 15% in France, it can appear in the first few months of life. It affects 20% of children under the age of 7 and is still around 18% in children aged 7 to 16 years.

Nos Ateliers Santé Dermatologie

Notre Programme d'Education Thérapeutique

Notre programme d'ETP : EczA'Gère
Ce programme s'adresse aux curistes adultes, adolescents et enfants atteints d'eczéma atopique. L'objectif est de mieux comprendre cette maladie afin d'améliorer son quotidien et sa qualité de vie. Il se déroule sur environ 8h à 12h à réaliser pendant les 3 semaines de cure.

Découvrez notre programme d'ETP

Nos Ateliers à l'unité

Tout au long de votre cure, vous aurez la possibilité d'assister à des ateliers à l'unité pour vous informer et vous aider à mieux vivre au quotidien avec votre pathologie.
Vous pourrez ainsi adopter les bons gestes d'hygiène, d'hydratation, apprendre à mieux gérer les périodes de démangeaisons ou de stress et vous réapproprier votre corps.
Profitez de ces moments, également propices à l'échange et au partage.

Découvrez nos ateliers santé

Nos Conférences

Les conférences que nous proposons sont des moments d'échange importants pour comprendre la dynamique des soins, les effets du sport sur la santé, et au final mieux gérer sa propre situation.

Découvrez nos conférences