SAVE THE DATE : Découvrez les dates de la saison thermale 2025 à Avène : du lundi 31 mars au samedi 8 novembre 2025. Ouverture des réservations le 13 janvier 2025.


Professional space

Personalized treatment management for each of your patients at avene

Is your patient suffering from a condition that you are struggling to soothe?
Hydrotherapy has proven effective for chronic, dermatological, joint, respiratory, metabolic and inflammatory illnesses... Hydrotherapy can serve as a complement to drug therapy, allow your patient to reduce their medication intake, or even take a break from treatment.

Benefits of the treatment

The benefits of hydrotherapy last for several months, during which a soothing effect can be observed in day-to-day activities (sleep, social life, etc.) and there is a clear improvement in the patient’s quality of life.

Which patient should I send for a cure in Avène?

avant bras atteint de psoriasis


  • Dermatology
  • Ailments of buccolingual and mucous membranes

Main indications* treated:

  • Atopic dermatitis, eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Scarring (burns, acne, etc.)
  • Post-cancer sequelae affecting the skin and mucous membranes

Other conditions treated:

  • Cutaneous and mucosal lichen
  • Ichthyosis
  • Pruritus
  • Prurigo,
  • Ailments of buccolingual and mucous membranes

*Si la pathologie de votre patient n’est pas dans cette liste, demandez conseil à

Why choose avène center?

Eau Thermale Avène boasts a unique composition acquired during its underground journey of over 50 years. Along with the water’s constant mineral components, the presence of a unique microflora called Aqua. dolomiae has been investigated by our researchers. Discovering this secret was the key to defining the dual heritage of Eau Thermale Avène, the source of all its benefits.


Mineral heritage

  • Low mineralization
  • Bicarbonate, calcium and magnesium ionic balance
  • Rich in trace elements
  • Neutral pH

Biological heritage

Aqua. Dolomiae

It remains stable over time thanks to its preserved natural environment

  • Reduces skin reactivity
  • Strengthens the skin barrier
  • Respects the physiology of sensitive skin

Results of hydrotherapy for post-cancer patients :

soin hydrothérapie

A recent study was conducted on 70 women who were in remission from breast cancer following cancer treatment. A reduction in adverse skin reactions from treatments was observed after a three-week course of hydrotherapy treatment.

Decrease of dryness and prurit and of the lymphoedema after 3 weeks

More than 50 international scientific publications document the effectiveness of Eau Thermale Avène and hydrotherapy: studies on A.dolomiae, SCORAD AD, burden of atopy, ichthyosis, post-cancer, etc.





For more information :
(3) Dalenc F et al, Eur J Cancer Care. 2017; e12735.

Which treatments will my patient receive ?

Verre qui ce rempli d'eau

 Upon arrival, patients will attend a medical consultation with a hydrotherapy doctor who:

  • Will establish a customised treatment plan based on the patient’s age, condition, and skin health
  • As a complement to their treatment plan, all patients benefit from the drinking water treatment

The drinking water treatment is routinely combined with external hydrotherapy treatments. It is recommended that adult patients drink approximately 1.5 litres of thermal spring water per day.


Dermatological hydrotherapy treatments

These treatments form part of the daily programme that may last between 1 hr 30 and 2 hrs

Full-body showers

Complement the bath’s effect by facilitating the elimination of scaly skin.

Full-body or topical sprays

Are the final treatments administered and consist of a fine mist of thermal spring water, with an antipruritic and calming effect.

For very young children

It is often preferable to replace showers and sprays with a second bath; in this case the first bath will take place in the morning and the second in the middle of the day.

Complementary treatments:

Always based on thermal spring water, these treatments are prescribed by the hydrotherapy doctor in response to the damage on the skin damage, its severity and location.

enfant sous la douche

Filiform showers

are always administered by the hydrotherapy doctors; they provide highly targeted treatment for skin lesions. The water pressure, size of the jets, and the distance between the operator and the patient offer significant potential in very different situations. At high pressure, the best indications are hyperkeratotic conditions (psoriasis, dry and lichenoid eczema), hypertrophy of the connective tissue (pathological scarring, particularly following extensive burns).
Low pressure or a broken water stream is used on the most delicate skin (crusted stage of atopic dermatitis, for example). The decision to include showers in the daily treatment programme is made by the doctor.

Thermal spring water compresses

are used on the most inflamed areas; they are left in place for around 10 minutes and more water is applied several times.

Topical spray

 on the face or hands, disperse a fine mist with a soothing, decongestant effect onto the face, neck, hands and highly inflamed areas in adults with atopic dermatitis.

This treatment can also be used on the hands and forearms.

Underwater massages

This treatment is administered by the hydrotherapy center’s physiotherapist (low pressure shower, known as a “soft shower”).

These showers are intended to soften the skin, especially in areas with fibrous or retractile scars.

Scalp rinse

is used to remove scales from the scalp; it also has a very helpful massaging effect

Oral hydrotherapy treatments:

personne bénéficiant de soin d’hydrotherapie buccaux

Mouth washing with Eau Thermale Avène.
Gingival showers to massage and clean the mucous membranes.
Oral cavity sprays for an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect.

These treatments form part of the daily programme that may last between 1 hr 30 and 2 hrs.

Specific hydrating treatments:

The hydrotherapy doctor may also recommend soothing treatments using emollient cream to promote a sense of well-being.

Body wrap with emollient cream

Serves as an important complement in the treatment of atopic dry skin. It helps to reduce the thickness of the skin’s outermost layer while offering greater comfort.

Moisturising body massage

Is a body treatment that delivers the skin benefits of optimal hydration via gentle massage.

Facial treatments with moisturising cream

Are relaxing; they soothe the skin, calm irritation and leave the face feeling comfortable and hydrated.

Complete scalp treatment

Removes scales, calms itching and irritation. This gentle massage helps soften the scalp and gives the patient an opportunity to relax

Les Ateliers Santé

L'éducation Thérapeutique du Patient

Ces programmes s'adressent aux curistes adultes, adolescents et enfants. L'objectif est d'améliorer son quotidien et sa qualité de vie. Ils se déroulent sur environ 8h à 12h à réaliser pendant les trois semaines de cure.


Les Ateliers Santé à l'unité

Tout au long de votre cure, vous aurez la possibilité d'assister à des ateliers à l'unité pour vous informer et vous aider à mieux vivre au quotidien avec votre pathologie.
Vous pourrez ainsi adopter les bons gestes d'hygiène, d'hydratation, apprendre à mieux gérer les périodes de démangeaisons ou de stress et vous réapproprier votre corps.
Profitez de ces moments, également propices à l'échange et au partage.


Les Conférences

Les conférences que nous proposons sont des moments d'échange importants pour comprendre la dynamique des soins, les effets du sport sur la santé, et au final mieux gérer sa propre situation.


How do I send my patient to a conventioned cure?

Fill in the form

Cerfa 11139*03


Specify the reason and the place of the cure

  • DER and/or AMB
  • Avène thermal centre

To be done by the patient

  • Complete the form
  • Send it to your social security organisation

Cures under agreement

  • Covered by the health insurance
  • 18 consecutive days
  • 72 treatments prescribed by the spa doctor

Respect of the total duration

If the total duration of treatment and the number of treatments are not respected (except for medical reasons or cases of force majeure), the patient will be asked to pay for the treatment and will not be able to benefit from its coverage.

Patients on ALD

Patients on ALD for their dermatological pathology motivating the cure or coming in an oncological context can be reimbursed at 100% for their cure. However, they will have to pay a Complementary Fee (1) to the Spa (which may be covered by some mutual insurance companies).

Patient's resources

Depending on the resources of the patient or the household, a fixed financial contribution may be granted by the Health Insurance on accommodation and transport costs (2).

Free cures of 6 and 12 days are possible but are not covered by the health insurance.

The patient must be seen by a thermal doctor on entry, the consultation and all treatment will be paid for by the patient.

(1)Information on the additional fee

(2)Information on the fixed contribution for transport and accommodation


Additional information

Children from 3 months of age are able to receive hydrotherapy (with customised treatments). Children aged between 3 months and 12 years must be accompanied by an adult (parent, grandparent, other relative, etc.) to all treatments.

Disabled patients can be accommodated at the center. Although the center is a secure environment, please note that it is not a hospital facility. These patients must be accompanied by a third party throughout their stay. This is also applicable to patients with cognitive disorders.

Contraindications for hydrotherapy

Progressive illnesses that may be aggravated by hydrotherapy treatment: progressive cancer, inflammatory diseases during flare-ups, active infections

Illnesses that are generally unsuitable for hydrotherapy treatment: severe cardiac and respiratory failure

When undergoing hydrotherapy treatment, it is preferable that your patient is in a stable state with regard to their general, non-dermatological, conditions. In the event that a patient is undergoing serious medical treatment, it is recommended that they bring a letter containing a brief summary of their medical history and their current treatments, so they can pass this on to the hydrotherapy doctor.

Our medical-hydrotherapy team

équipe médico-thermal

A medical team



General practitioner:

  • Dr EBERT

A paramedical team:

  • 2 nurses
  • 3 physiotherapists
  • Hydrotherapy assistants
  • Aestheticians
  • A psychologist
  • A pharmacist