Hydrotherapy for Acne
Acne is a very common condition in adolescents, which can sometimes persist into adulthood. It is characterised by "spots" on the face, and sometimes on the back and chest.
The first characteristic symptoms of acne are the appearance of blackheads and whiteheads, followed by redness.
Inflammatory acne also involves raised red bumps (papules), possibly with pus emerging at the top forming pustules. If the inflammation is deeper in the skin, there may be red and painful thickening (nodules), which progresses to cysts and abscesses. If scratched, crusts may form. Acne conglobata (chronic form) is characterised by nodules spreading to the upper thighs, torso and back, in addition to the face. The nodules are large and leave significant scarring. Acne fulminans is the only form that causes fever and can affect the joints.
Scarring may remain after nodules have healed. It is more like if there has been scratching or secondary infection. Hydrotherapy treatments can be a useful supplement: they have been shown to be effective in the treatment of inflammatory acne. They help reduce cysts and scars. Good skin hygiene is essential. It is preferable to clean affected areas with a suitable cleansing gel, or specific micellar water, and cosmetic products labelled “non-comedogenic” should be used. The inflammatory form of acne can be difficult to tolerate. It is important not to underestimate its impact on quality of life and to seek psychological care if necessary. However, ask your doctor for advice before considering any treatment. In milder forms, topical treatment is often sufficient, combined with a suitable moisturising cream as the treatment often dries out the skin.
Expected benefits

Validated efficacy
- Reduces the inflammatory component of spots
- Refines skin texture
- Tightens pores
- Reduces dryness caused by treatments
Indications for an intensive acne treatment
- Inflammatory acne (papules and pustules)
- Skin dryness caused by use of drying acne treatments
Book your acne treatment
Select one of the treatments below; your choice will be tailored to relieve your acne.

Conventional cure
Dermatological treatment
A treatment adapted to your condition. Our hydrotherapy doctors evaluate and choose the care that is best for you.
Health insurance coverage
Duration : 18 days
Advance payment : €85
Second orientation : yes

Unlimited treatment access
A treatment adapted to your condition. A medical opinion at the start of treatment and tailor-made treatments. An Unlimited treatment access does not need to be prescribed by your doctor.
Duration : 6, 12 or 18 days
Advance payment : 120 €

Sensicure Well-being
Our medical-thermal team bring you the best of Avène by offering SensiCure, a hydrotherapy method that is open to all with unlimited access, following a medical consultation.
Duration : 2, 3 or 5 days
Advance payment : 100 €
Nos Ateliers Santé Dermatologie

Nos Ateliers à l'unité
Tout au long de votre cure, vous aurez la possibilité d'assister à des ateliers à l'unité pour vous informer et vous aider à mieux vivre au quotidien avec votre pathologie.
Vous pourrez ainsi adopter les bons gestes d'hygiène, d'hydratation, apprendre à mieux gérer les périodes de démangeaisons ou de stress et vous réapproprier votre corps.
Profitez de ces moments, également propices à l'échange et au partage.

Nos Conférences
Les conférences que nous proposons sont des moments d'échange importants pour comprendre la dynamique des soins, les effets du sport sur la santé, et au final mieux gérer sa propre situation.