Bathtubs and Devices

Baths for both children and adults are equipped with aero bath (air bubbles) and / or automatic hydromassage systems that add to the therapeutic benefits and patient comfort.
The extended contact time between the skin and the thermal water allows it to fully develop its anti-inflammatory, soothing and anti-pruritic properties.
The use of manual underwater showers is also possible by means of a thermal water jet spray immersed in the bath used by a medical assistant in accordance with the spa doctor’s prescription
Specific Equipments

Local Spray Stations
The localized spray stations are suitable for facial, hand, and oral care. The fine sprays are targeted and the skin is soothed and more comfortable. The fine mist of thermal water, lasting 5 to 10 minutes, is usually the last in the sequence of daily treatments.

Compress application rooms
Treatment rooms and cabins are specially designed for the care "compresses" for adults and for children.

Hydrating treatment rooms
It is very important for us to provide high tolerance treatments with proven effectiveness in soothing skin by moisturizing it to reduce irritation and so make it feel more comfortable. Specific rooms are dedicated to moisturizing skin treatments such as body wraps, facials and scalp treatments. The centre doctor prescribes the frequency of these treatments.